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We Invite You to Donate
to The Umbrella Foundation

Thank you for considering a donation to The Umbrella Foundation. Your generous contribution directly supports our ongoing mission to create a more inclusive workforce, with a particular focus on empowering neurodivergent individuals.

The Challenges of Navigating the Job Market

For many individuals, their career serves as the foundation of their identity, providing purpose and sustenance. However, many industries continue to overlook the potential of neurodiverse individuals, leaving many unfilled positions and minimal opportunities for these job seekers. To this day, a majority of these individuals struggle to find meaningful work that supports their personal growth and grants them independence. In addition, they face significant barriers navigating their way through the workforce and integrating comfortably within the work environment.

In the face of this ongoing struggle, a committed movement has emerged to reshape the employment landscape. By challenging stereotypes, promoting inclusive hiring, and fostering supportive work environments, we aim to demonstrate the immense value that neurodiverse talent brings to the workforce.

Our Commitment to Change

Driven by a mission to transform how employers seek out and employ neurodistinct talent, we have dedicated ourselves to the tools, skills, knowledge, and resources required to flourish in the labor force. Our objective is to showcase the diverse skills and abilities that neurodivergent individuals possess, all of which can significantly enrich the workforce. Through our efforts, we strive to channel their enthusiasm and unique perspectives into tangible value for employers seeking innovative and productive team members.

  • Promoting Inclusive Hiring Practices

    Central to our mission is the promotion of inclusive hiring practices. We firmly believe that by dismantling the barriers that hinder neurodivergent people from entering the workforce, we can create a more equitable and diverse job market. Through advocacy, education, and collaboration with employers, we aim to encourage organizations to adopt inclusive hiring policies that value neurodiversity.

  • Choosing to Make a Difference

    At The Umbrella Foundation, we rely on the generosity and support of organizations and individuals like you to continue our mission of empowering neurodiverse talent and fostering inclusive workplaces. Your donation can make a substantial impact in transforming lives, helping many gain access to the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to excel in high-tech employment.

    By donating to The Umbrella Foundation, you are directly contributing to our efforts in providing neurodiversity career consulting, recruitment, and support. Your contribution enables us to create a more inclusive and prosperous society. We deeply appreciate every contribution, regardless of amount, as it will have a lasting impact, creating opportunities for individuals of all neurotypes to reach their full potential.

  • Help Create an Inclusive Workforce

    Join us in reshaping recruitment practices, promoting respect, and advocating for accessibility. Together, we can create a world where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

To make a donation and support our cause, please click here or contact us directly. Thank you for your generosity and belief in our mission.